Hot Momma Croutons



  • 1 Baguette, cubed to 1” pieces
  • Roughly 5 Tablespoons Olive Oil
  • Roughly 1 Tbsp Hot Momma Seasoning, any flavor
  • Roughly 1 tsp Salt and Pepper

Preheat the oven to 350* and line a baking tray.  Either place cubed bread onto baking sheet lined with parchment paper or in a bowl.  Drizzle olive oil to coat the bread cubes.  Good measure to think of is 1 Tbsp to roughly 1 cup of cubes.  Season to your taste with Hot Momma Seasoning, salt and pepper.  You want enough oil to lightly coat the bread cubes or pieces without them becoming soggy from the oil.  Spread the oiled bread pieces on a lined tray and bake for 10 minutes, or until golden brown and crispy.  Flip the cubes over at the halfway mark to ensure they brown evenly.  Keep an eye on them towards the end of the cooking time as the croutons can burn easily.  Remove any smaller pieces when they start to brown to prevent burning.  Allow to cool then use as desired.  Salsalenté!